Saturday 7 May 2011

Votes and Rhubarb

Just been down to the post box with Grace to re-post my electoral registration (again), when Grace noticed the local allotments and with much pointing and saying flower flower, we decided to have a look around.
I was enjoying my self pointing out all the different fruit and veg, flowers etc Grace was loving it.
At this point a gentleman who was working his plot said hello. He was as old as the ground he was digging, the kind of man if you ever start on an allotment to talk to straight off full of advice and know how, never follow the instructions on a packet of seeds, just talk to the oldest gardener you can find. We walked away some 15 minutes later with some sound advice on my strawberry plant, an arm full of Rhubarb and the other arm full of a very shy Grace. Am looking forward to Rhubarb Crumble and cream for desert tomorrow mmmm


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