Thursday 9 June 2011

Digestive Biscuits I mean Hobnobs

Yesterday on a whim attempted to bake Digestive biscuits. But due to not having all the ingredients on the recipe they turned out more like Hobnobs. Very good all the same.

150 g (5½ oz) plain wholemeal flour
1 tsp baking powder
½ tsp salt
½ tsp bicarbonate of soda
30 g (1 oz) medium oatmeal
20 g (¼ oz) bran
100 g (3½ oz) dark muscovado sugar
50 g (1¼ oz) unsalted butter, cut into small pieces
4 tbsp milk, or as needed

now the bran I did not have, so I upped the oats up by 20g.
Basically you mix all the dry ingredients then mix in the wet to make a dough. Roll in to a log wrap in greaseproof and put in to the fridge for half an hour. I put it in the freezer as it seemed a bit wet.

Take out the roll slice it up and bung in the oven for 12 min on 190.

Hey Presto Digestive/hobnob biscuits.

Sorry there is no pictures of the results but they did not last long at all, what can I say, not a lot mouth full!

Wednesday 8 June 2011

Green Green Green

Today is our fortnightly recycling collection day. We are given a multitude of different coloured bags for different types of waste.
Pink for clothing, shoes and textiles
Green for glass bottles and jars
Blue for newspapers, magazines, catalogues, brochures, junkmail. stationery and telephone directories
and Clear for food and drink cans empty aerosols, plastic bottles and aluminium foil.

This service is provided by Cornwall County Council. Well done to them I say. Our household weekly collection on a Monday has been reduced from 6 or 7 black binliners to just 3 per week.

I wonder though how long it will last? At our last property the same council refused to take glass one week. The reason
Health and Safety
. Those dreaded three little words.

After that incident we refused to recycle as we seemed to be wasting our time. We had been provided with all the above bags but still they refused to collect. So far here we have not had the same problem. I have put a little bit of wood out just to see if they take it. It is able to be recycled, it would fit in the van they send but somehow I doubt they will take it and will say you have to got to the waste disposal centre in Saltash. Which would be all well and good if I had a car but I do not. Then they will say ring this number and the council will come out and pick it up whilst charging me for the privalige. We shall see. If they do not take it then bonfire night or the local building site skip it is then!

Tuesday 7 June 2011

One Week Holiday - 12 Days Off - What to Do?

Finally a week off work. The beauty of my shift is that when I get a week off it feels like two due to the nature of the shifts.
Great now what to do? Unfortuneately Karen is unable to take time off with me apart from the weekend, so am left to my own devices (and the Girls).
First off definates- Saturday is the 90th Birthday of the Royal British Legion, and Callington Branch is holding a fundraising "Egg Banjo/Coffee morning" with various fundraising stalls at Callington town hall which I have volunteered for. Note dig out regimental blazer and tie.
My mate Dave's tattooist is holding a tattoo party all day Sat so after fundraiser, will get my last tattoo touched up, slight error on the original, long story but it will not take much to correct.

Apart from that nothing planned, usual household chores, grass cutting etc and time out with the Girls. I am sure that I will fill the other 11 days and that they will pass much too quickly.