Saturday, 7 May 2011

Votes and Rhubarb

Just been down to the post box with Grace to re-post my electoral registration (again), when Grace noticed the local allotments and with much pointing and saying flower flower, we decided to have a look around.
I was enjoying my self pointing out all the different fruit and veg, flowers etc Grace was loving it.
At this point a gentleman who was working his plot said hello. He was as old as the ground he was digging, the kind of man if you ever start on an allotment to talk to straight off full of advice and know how, never follow the instructions on a packet of seeds, just talk to the oldest gardener you can find. We walked away some 15 minutes later with some sound advice on my strawberry plant, an arm full of Rhubarb and the other arm full of a very shy Grace. Am looking forward to Rhubarb Crumble and cream for desert tomorrow mmmm


AV Referendum results map - Telegraph

AV Referendum results map - Telegraph

I have to admit although I did not get chance to vote, due to circumstances mentioned previously, the result a resounding NO to the AV system is a relief. Here sits one happy voter who could not vote this time around. Happy days. No need to go into the ins and outs of AV vs first past the post system as now there is no need, it ain't broke so don't fix it. The Liberal Democrats and Minority Parties will just have to work harder to beat the main two. Who as we all know are not perfect by a long chalk but if you want to beat them become better organised, start small and work up. It may take a few decades, but thats democracy.

Thursday, 5 May 2011

YouTube - Prisoner Lynne Hamilton On The Inside (Full Version)

YouTube - Prisoner Lynne Hamilton On The Inside (Full Version)

How old does this make you feel?

The Official REBEL SON Band Website / Lee Johnson - Tom Warwick - Dave Schneider

The Official REBEL SON Band Website / Lee Johnson - Tom Warwick - Dave Schneider

YouTube - Mr. Confederate Man - Rebel Son (with lyrics)

YouTube - Mr. Confederate Man - Rebel Son (with lyrics)quality song

Rossendale bullies

Rossendale bullies I really do not like these thugs



Water companies named and shamed | Money |

Water companies named and shamed | Money | enough said

BBC - Radio 2

BBC - Radio 2 listen to Jeremy Vine IDEAL

Good weekend-Bad week

The Royal Wedding hailed a double bank holiday, happy days. A street party was held to celebrate the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton.BBQ, Bouncy Castle, Bunting, Union Flags, and alcoholic beveriges. A good time by all.

All the residents of the estate turned up and thanks to Tracy for organising it all.

Monday brought yet another Bank Holiday, and double bubble for me happy days.
It all seemed to be going so well, Rossendales decided to be nasty again but after phoning the council and getting no joy so calling my local MPS Office, They got the dogs called off. Today was the BUGGER though!

SouthWest Water has been an absoulute ARSE.

Within the space of a week they doubled my bill, the automated payment system told me it could not accept my payment, basically error after error. After talking to the call centre manager was told I could pay next week as the bill had increased, so I paid another bill only to find when I went to the bank to withdraw some money that they had taken the money so had no money for shopping.This is not a happy bunny rabbit and my teddy bear is about to be torn limb from limb and thrown out of the cot into all four corners of the room!After many apologies they promised to have the money back in my bank account by tomorrow. What are the odds that the money is not there and another £70 has been taken out and I am left even more out of pocket. A strongly worded complaint has been sent to the people who so graciously supply me with fresh water and then have the privalige of charging me the earth for it, but I doubt that anything will be done.

Hey Ho, it can only get better I suppose, Oh yeah Osama Bin Laden finally met up with his mucker Saddam, I hope they enjoy the virgins????

Nearly completely forgot, went to the polling station today, a little worried as my polling card still has not turned up even though I registered at my current address when we moved in. In December. Only to find that I was not registered to vote here but am registered at my old address and to vote would have to go to my old polling station. Well theres democracy for you, you register and still they mess it up. I suppose the red tape people will blame myself and Karen for it and take no responsability for us slipping through the net. It is hard enough getting people to vote as it is without turning people away from the polling stations due to the electoral offices mistakes.. But I urge everyone to vote if they are able.