Monday 13 June 2011

Peppa Pig and Muddy Puddles

Grace found on the way home today her first muddy puddle. She walked into the middle of it pointed and said "water".
No muddy puddle just like Peppa said I. Mistake number 1. Grace then proceeded to be Peppa Pig and splash in said muddy puddle. As she was wearing her wellies not a problem until she decided with much arm waving that she needed to wash her hands. As I started to dig out the wet wipes from the tardis that is the bottom of the pram Grace had jumped the gun and was washing her hands in the muddy puddle. Grace then noticed me and obviously thought I know good idea lets sit down in the muddy puddle! I got to her just before her little bum touched the water. No harm done. Hands were wiped clean and puddle now nearly empty was left for the next little Peppa wannabe.

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