Saturday 28 May 2011

Dates messed up

Karen has gone into Plymouth shopping with the girls today. As I am working tonight and I had an appointment at Sheryll Murray MP's surgery at 1230 I stayed behind.
Wrong, I got the date wrong and missed my appointment by a week. Apologies have been sent but I still feel like an idiot waiting around outside the town hall for a surgery that was last week.

On a brighter note, took some gorgeous photos of the girls on Thursday, which I must say am quite proud of.

What can I say but did you ever see such sweet little girls.

Thursday 26 May 2011

BBC News - Parachute Regiment soldiers face 'special payment' cut

On the 16th of this month David Cameron Prime Minister said
The military would get the recognition it deserves
, refers.

and then today this...

BBC News - Parachute Regiment soldiers face 'special payment' cut

It says a lot about politicians and their so called word no matter what colour flag they are flying Blue, Red, or Orange.


BBC Weather | PL18

BBC Weather | PL18

Light is bloody awful out there. Girls staying in today methinks

Wednesday 25 May 2011

Non Followers of my Blog

There have been currently 113 views of my Blog, 38 posts and absolutely no comments (apart from my own), and no followers. Am I doing it all wrong or is it just early days. To be fair I actually enjoy blogging and will carry on regardless.

Hot off the press

I have just had confirmation that an article I submitted to the local free paper is as we speak being printed. It was about the street party we held for the Royal Wedding. I am chuffed to bits, this is the first time I have had anything in print. Not bad for a first attempt.

On the way to the Town Hall today we stopped at the park. The Girls loved it even though it turned in to Kite weather. Blustery it may have been but the looks on the girls faces says it all.



Wade Bates - News-Talk 1450 KFIZ: Pool Punishment

Wade Bates - News-Talk 1450 KFIZ: Pool Punishment

Don't you just love Yanks1

Planes, Diggers and Trucks

It seems a bit silly but getting woken up at half six this morning not by crying children but heavy duty vehicles is not funny. Notably when they park up then do not move again for a couple of hours. Maybe they are worried about actually waking local residents again.

On a lighter note ash clouds from Grimsvotn volcano in Iceland have been causing disruption in British and European airspace again. It seems that the authourities have again cancelled flights to and from Scottish airports, which means my Mum and Dad are becoming twitchy about thier holiday to the USA in nine days. I am sure that they will fly out on schedule, but it has been great fun winding Dad up about it.
According to the Daily Telegraph though Ryan Air flew a passenger jet through the cloud and has proclaimed it perfectly save to fly. But it must be remembered where that airline is based and owned. Say no more..


Tuesday 24 May 2011


I think that it has been decided by the powers that be, or even somebody up above, that I am due to not sleep on a Tuesday. After having to go in early then working all night and finishing late, I finally got home at 0630 this morning.
Lauren had kindly volunteered to take the girls to Sarah the childminder at 0800. So gratefully put my head on my pillow at about 20 to 8. One phone call later, from my boss, whom I stood in for last night, and sleep was on for about a quarter to nine. When at half nine the noisy bugger in the truck pulled up and that was it. Trucks coming at going all morning. I gave up at half ten got up, did some dhobi, some shopping, and got tea prepped for when Karen gets home from work. Before I picked up the girls.
I think next week I will just bite the bullet and stay up.