Friday 13 May 2011


Operation was a success, by the time I got home Karen was more tired than I from looking after the Girls. One thing I would recommend private health care any time, if one has the insurance that is. Thank God for the cover through work.
Lauren is at her May Ball (prom) tonight, what a palaver, Weds nails, Thurs pick up dress, Tiarra and fake tan. Fri hair, make-up get dressed, photo shoot and wait for taxi. All in all though Karen is one proud as punch mum and Lauren looks beautiful.

Thursday 12 May 2011

Good start to the day

Got up early as no food allowed after 0600, to get some breakfast, and pay the bills online. All ok so far until the last one, where they will not let me pay on line but have to either pay at the Post Office at a cost of 80p, Barclays Bank at a cost of £1.80 or over the phone at a cost of 1.5% and the cost of the phonecall (premium rate call). All for the privilege of paying the bastards. An email has been sent stating that I will pay the money owed for this week but refuse to pay the extra cost involved as they have taken the online option away from me, and asked them to reinstall that option as I refuse to be fined for their incompentance.

Best news of the day though Grace is fully recovered and full of the joys of spring. HAPPY DAYS, Nuffield Hospital here I come.

Wednesday 11 May 2011

11th May

I was a little worried last night. Grace out of sorts, she had a bit of a temperature, and was not herself at all. Calpol seemed to sort her out, but am going to keep a closer eye on her today.
Karen's place has work going on a Tues and Weds. I have been offered it but had to turn it down as nights on Monday would mean working solid from 1800 Mon til 1730 Tues. A bit much me thinks.
We do know a neighbour who was recently laid off, so he may be interested and apparently it will turn in to a full time job eventually.
Taking Lolly to get waxed today ready for her Ball on Friday, the rest of the girly stuff is tomorrow, tan, hair, pick up gown etc. Luckily tomorrow I cannot help with any of that as I will be in hospital for a minor op. But I will see the finished article on Friday when she goes to the Ball. Be prepared for photos!!!

Tuesday 10 May 2011

Finally dragged into the 21st Century

Finally got some sleep this morning, I got my second wind about midnight and was fine until my head hit the pillow this morning. Thanks for the Email Jan. You know what I mean.
I went and got a Blackberry phone yesterday, whilst waiting to pick up the girls. Still am trying to get used to it but I think I have most of it sorted now, its like white mans magic really.
Curry for tea tonight to celebrate, Lauren has been chief taster, so I know that I have not made it too hot, so should not get any complaints off anyone. Problem was she is bound to ask me at some point what when it it, and I shall have to lie as I genuinely forgot what ingredients I put in as I went along. But it tastes great.
Only an hour or so til Karen gets home, cant wait, as I havent seen her properly for more that 10 minutes since Sunday afternoon, which is the bad thing about the shifts we work, but then I am sorted for the rest of the week so good news really.
Sara my childminder is having an OFSTED visit next week and is busy preparing for it. I wonder if she will find it funny if I dress the girls in straight jackets for it and put in the notes that I have done it on her request? On second thoughts, just wind them up and let them go could be just as good.

Monday 9 May 2011

Sleep Please

Two nights down, one to go. Have dropped Grace and Phoebe off at the childminders and was looking forward to some well earned kip, but have had to stay up and make a GP appointment for my teenage Stepdaughter. Now I am taking her to the quack just before midday, so only about 2 hrs kip for me. Lucky for her I love her, else I could have pulled the wicked stepfather card, but I just cant do that, because a)I am not the wicked stepfather type b)She is a good kid all said and done, and c) Karen would kill me in about 101 different ways if I did pull that card.

Off to bed for me well sofa as if I get in bed I definately will not emerge in time. I think lots of cups of tea tonight just to stay awake ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ