Grumbles-bills, bills, bills. Work seems to have taken a turn for the worse with all shifts being cut back to save money over the next 12 weeks. My shift does not offically informed of this until Saturday, but these things have a way over being relayed like the proverbial jungle drums. My own shift is going to be luckier than most still losing money but losing the least amount. Small compensation. I have even looked into joining a Trade Union, a thing which I would normally be dead set against after watching my father during the 70s forced to join a union, and the tales he would tell of work to rule, and spending half of his night shift playing draughts over the production line. Will have to wait and see on that issue.
Good news though, my Royal British Legion membership ()card finally turned up, I managed to get Grace's fringe cut today for the grand price of no charge sir, with the money saved from that I bought Karen the Bass Broom she was moaning about last night, Happy Days.
Managed to get up the allotment last night planted broad beans, surprised that the onions actually seem to be growing which would be the first time in three seasons. Strawberry, melons, jalapeno peppers and salad peppers are all sown and either in the green house or on various windowsills, much to Karen's disapproval. Just got to think about sowing the cabbage and runners next but got plenty of time for that, really need to finish off digging the beds out.
All in all an average day.
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