Tuesday 10 May 2011

Finally dragged into the 21st Century

Finally got some sleep this morning, I got my second wind about midnight and was fine until my head hit the pillow this morning. Thanks for the Email Jan. You know what I mean.
I went and got a Blackberry phone yesterday, whilst waiting to pick up the girls. Still am trying to get used to it but I think I have most of it sorted now, its like white mans magic really.
Curry for tea tonight to celebrate, Lauren has been chief taster, so I know that I have not made it too hot, so should not get any complaints off anyone. Problem was she is bound to ask me at some point what when it it, and I shall have to lie as I genuinely forgot what ingredients I put in as I went along. But it tastes great.
Only an hour or so til Karen gets home, cant wait, as I havent seen her properly for more that 10 minutes since Sunday afternoon, which is the bad thing about the shifts we work, but then I am sorted for the rest of the week so good news really.
Sara my childminder is having an OFSTED visit next week and is busy preparing for it. I wonder if she will find it funny if I dress the girls in straight jackets for it and put in the notes that I have done it on her request? On second thoughts, just wind them up and let them go could be just as good.

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