Thursday 19 May 2011


Seemed to spend half the night awake, thinking about trivial things, but got up feeling really good. I must have sorted something out in my head, but what?

Pretty normal Thursday, Girls up fed and watered. Ritual crying from Grace when I brushed her hair. Paid the Bills popped to the Post Office, and stopped at my usual for a cuppa - The Lunchbox.

I would have put a link in but Rose the owner has not a website yet. It is a small cafe, friendly and found quite by chance tucked away down Biscombe Lane. I was at my wits end as I still had not worked out how to put Graces' hair up in a ponytail and she looked like she had been dragged through a bush backwards. Rose did it for me and I have been a regular ever since.

It should be noted that I have since worked out the method of putting Graces' hair up, but if she ever wants pigtails or a plait of the French or any other variety, then I shall pass her to Mummy or Big Sis.

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