Sunday 17 July 2011



When To Pick Tomatoes - Organic Gardening Articles

When To Pick Tomatoes

By Patricia Wainwright

If you have started your own tomato garden, have worked at it for months, tending to the plants, making sure they got all they needed, and you are now trying to find out what the best moment for harvesting them is, please read on. You will learn when to pick tomatoes to get the most out of you hard labor.

When to pick tomatoes is a personal option. If you need one or two tomatoes to satisfy your family’ daily needs, then the wisest thing to do is to pick the ripest tomatoes, and leave the rest to mature on the plant. The best thing to do, therefore, is to let your tomatoes ripen on the plant. It is not wise to pick them all at the same time, unless you are thinking of freezing them or using them for preserves, because they do not last for a very long period, even if kept in the fridge.

If you allow your tomatoes to ripen on the plant, you will probably see that they do not turn bright red, they get rather orangey. This is because the substance that gives tomatoes their red color does not form if temperatures are too high. If you live in a very warm climate, then, you may not get red tomatoes, but they will still be as tasty as ever.

Another good indicator that will tell you when to pick tomatoes is firmness. The tomatoes need to be colored (whether orange or red) and firm, but not rock-hard. If they are at that stage, let them stay on the plant for a couple more days. You must also be careful not to let them get too ripe, because when they are too soft they attract birds and other garden pests.

Finally, the last thing you must take into account to know when to pick tomatoes is climate. If most of the summer has passed, and you are still left with some green, not yet ripe tomatoes on the plants, it is imperative that you pick them all before the first spell of cold weather, even if they haven’t reached their normal size yet. If you leave them on the plants and the cold gets to them, they will be ruined completely. Once you have picked all these green tomatoes you can speed up the ripening process by putting them all into a box, one next to the other, making sure they are not on top of each other, and adding a couple of ripe apples. Close the box, leave it like this for a couple of days, and you will see that when you remove the lid they are ripe. The reason for this is that the apples, when ripening, emit a gas called ethylene that accelerates the ripening process.

Hopefully, this article has solved the problem of when to pick tomatoes, giving you clear guidelines and tips on how to make the most of your tomato crop. The feeling of actually picking the fruit from the plant is great, and one that every gardener, should experience!

Author Patricia Wainwright Resource: Get all the facts about gegetable gardening and gardening articles at!

Article Source: When To Pick Tomatoes

Article From: Organic Gardening Articles

Friday 24 June 2011

warning to previous recipe

If you happen to have read my blog
Christmas is Coming
, then beware. Buy a bloody big cake tin. I have ended up with not one, not two but five yes that's right five Christmas cakes. All very good I might add but all different sizes. Problem is I cannot even pass them on to the children as they may end up being a little tipsy. The RBL will get one for their Christmas raffle, but it looks like Karen and I will be eating Christmas cake for a while so come the actual day will be sick of Christmas cake. MMMM I wonder if i would get done for feeding the birds cake. Has any one ever seen drunk birds flying? Maybe an experiment is in order. But then the garden could end up bieng infested with alcholic birds. Entertainment on tap.

Wednesday 22 June 2011

As Usual a Politician taking the Military for Granted

Military 'should stick to fighting', says David Cameron - UK Politics, UK - The Independent

by Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936)

I went into a public-'ouse to get a pint o' beer,
The publican 'e up an' sez, "We serve no red-coats here."
The girls be'ind the bar they laughed an' giggled fit to die,
I outs into the street again an' to myself sez I:
O it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' "Tommy, go away";
But it's "Thank you, Mister Atkins", when the band begins to play,
The band begins to play, my boys, the band begins to play,
O it's "Thank you, Mister Atkins", when the band begins to play.

I went into a theatre as sober as could be,
They gave a drunk civilian room, but 'adn't none for me;
They sent me to the gallery or round the music-'alls,
But when it comes to fightin', Lord! they'll shove me in the stalls!
For it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' "Tommy, wait outside";
But it's "Special train for Atkins" when the trooper's on the tide,
The troopship's on the tide, my boys, the troopship's on the tide,
O it's "Special train for Atkins" when the trooper's on the tide.

Yes, makin' mock o' uniforms that guard you while you sleep
Is cheaper than them uniforms, an' they're starvation cheap;
An' hustlin' drunken soldiers when they're goin' large a bit
Is five times better business than paradin' in full kit.
Then it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' "Tommy, 'ow's yer soul?"
But it's "Thin red line of 'eroes" when the drums begin to roll,
The drums begin to roll, my boys, the drums begin to roll,
O it's "Thin red line of 'eroes" when the drums begin to roll.

We aren't no thin red 'eroes, nor we aren't no blackguards too,
But single men in barricks, most remarkable like you;
An' if sometimes our conduck isn't all your fancy paints,
Why, single men in barricks don't grow into plaster saints;
While it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' "Tommy, fall be'ind",
But it's "Please to walk in front, sir", when there's trouble in the wind,
There's trouble in the wind, my boys, there's trouble in the wind,
O it's "Please to walk in front, sir", when there's trouble in the wind.

You talk o' better food for us, an' schools, an' fires, an' all:
We'll wait for extry rations if you treat us rational.
Don't mess about the cook-room slops, but prove it to our face
The Widow's Uniform is not the soldier-man's disgrace.
For it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' "Chuck him out, the brute!"
But it's "Saviour of 'is country" when the guns begin to shoot;
An' it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' anything you please;
An' Tommy ain't a bloomin' fool -- you bet that Tommy sees!

Christmas is coming

It has been a while since I have been here. Who would have thought a week off work and no time to blog. Quick update, visited the Aquarium in Plymouth, very good Grace loved the FISH. The photos were not much cop though.
The toms, cucumbers and melons in the greenhouse are coming along fine and dandy.
The girls caught a tummy bug and not been very well at all, but they are all back to normal and eating like they have never been fed before.
Anyway back to the present, what does this list of ingredients make:
1lb raisins
4oz chopped dried apricots
2oz cherries
2oz dried cranberries
4oz prunes
8oz sultanas
4oz peel (if you don't like this then the zest of 2 oranges)
3 preserved root ginger balls chopped
1 1/2 tsp vanilla essence
1 tbsp brown sugar
1 1/2 tsp ground cloves
1 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
1 1/2 tsp nutmeg
1 1/2 tsp ground ginger
1 1/2 tsp salt
4 tbsp brandy
4 tbsp dark rum
4 tbsp port
4 tbsp water
9oz butter
9oz self raising flour
9oz demerera sugar
5 eggs
8in loose bottom cake tin
grease proof paper.

Thats right you guessed it Christmas cake. All the fruit are at present soaking in a alcholic's dream punch and the kitchen smells like a distillery.
Karen and I will mix and bake the cake either tomorrow or Friday.
The last time I did the cake this early it was lush, so this one should be as good with a spot of luck. Then it will be just a case of turning and feeding the cake every two weeks up til the end of November then the decoration. Note to self do not give any cake to the girls and make a non alcoholic one for them.

Monday 13 June 2011

Peppa Pig and Muddy Puddles

Grace found on the way home today her first muddy puddle. She walked into the middle of it pointed and said "water".
No muddy puddle just like Peppa said I. Mistake number 1. Grace then proceeded to be Peppa Pig and splash in said muddy puddle. As she was wearing her wellies not a problem until she decided with much arm waving that she needed to wash her hands. As I started to dig out the wet wipes from the tardis that is the bottom of the pram Grace had jumped the gun and was washing her hands in the muddy puddle. Grace then noticed me and obviously thought I know good idea lets sit down in the muddy puddle! I got to her just before her little bum touched the water. No harm done. Hands were wiped clean and puddle now nearly empty was left for the next little Peppa wannabe.

Thursday 9 June 2011

Digestive Biscuits I mean Hobnobs

Yesterday on a whim attempted to bake Digestive biscuits. But due to not having all the ingredients on the recipe they turned out more like Hobnobs. Very good all the same.

150 g (5½ oz) plain wholemeal flour
1 tsp baking powder
½ tsp salt
½ tsp bicarbonate of soda
30 g (1 oz) medium oatmeal
20 g (¼ oz) bran
100 g (3½ oz) dark muscovado sugar
50 g (1¼ oz) unsalted butter, cut into small pieces
4 tbsp milk, or as needed

now the bran I did not have, so I upped the oats up by 20g.
Basically you mix all the dry ingredients then mix in the wet to make a dough. Roll in to a log wrap in greaseproof and put in to the fridge for half an hour. I put it in the freezer as it seemed a bit wet.

Take out the roll slice it up and bung in the oven for 12 min on 190.

Hey Presto Digestive/hobnob biscuits.

Sorry there is no pictures of the results but they did not last long at all, what can I say, not a lot mouth full!

Wednesday 8 June 2011

Green Green Green

Today is our fortnightly recycling collection day. We are given a multitude of different coloured bags for different types of waste.
Pink for clothing, shoes and textiles
Green for glass bottles and jars
Blue for newspapers, magazines, catalogues, brochures, junkmail. stationery and telephone directories
and Clear for food and drink cans empty aerosols, plastic bottles and aluminium foil.

This service is provided by Cornwall County Council. Well done to them I say. Our household weekly collection on a Monday has been reduced from 6 or 7 black binliners to just 3 per week.

I wonder though how long it will last? At our last property the same council refused to take glass one week. The reason
Health and Safety
. Those dreaded three little words.

After that incident we refused to recycle as we seemed to be wasting our time. We had been provided with all the above bags but still they refused to collect. So far here we have not had the same problem. I have put a little bit of wood out just to see if they take it. It is able to be recycled, it would fit in the van they send but somehow I doubt they will take it and will say you have to got to the waste disposal centre in Saltash. Which would be all well and good if I had a car but I do not. Then they will say ring this number and the council will come out and pick it up whilst charging me for the privalige. We shall see. If they do not take it then bonfire night or the local building site skip it is then!

Tuesday 7 June 2011

One Week Holiday - 12 Days Off - What to Do?

Finally a week off work. The beauty of my shift is that when I get a week off it feels like two due to the nature of the shifts.
Great now what to do? Unfortuneately Karen is unable to take time off with me apart from the weekend, so am left to my own devices (and the Girls).
First off definates- Saturday is the 90th Birthday of the Royal British Legion, and Callington Branch is holding a fundraising "Egg Banjo/Coffee morning" with various fundraising stalls at Callington town hall which I have volunteered for. Note dig out regimental blazer and tie.
My mate Dave's tattooist is holding a tattoo party all day Sat so after fundraiser, will get my last tattoo touched up, slight error on the original, long story but it will not take much to correct.

Apart from that nothing planned, usual household chores, grass cutting etc and time out with the Girls. I am sure that I will fill the other 11 days and that they will pass much too quickly.

Saturday 4 June 2011

From the mouths of Babes

Can you remember those silly playground arguments...My dad is bigger than your dad etc.Well it says something about the health of the country in Modern Britain today when I was returning from the park with the girls and we passed a group of small boys squabbling as they do. At this point the classic line was heard Well MY Mum is Fatter than Your Mum.
I was quietly laughing to myself all the way home. But then I realised later that maybe that it was not so funny. The media and Govt. keep banging on at us about how much more obese the nation is today, the importance of diet and exercise blah blah blah.To be fair I generally ignore them as luckily am naturally slim. The problem is that people do not care anymore. A group of small boys consider it quite normal and are even quite proud of the fact that "my mum is fatter than your mum"

Thursday 2 June 2011


OK they are only young tomatoes, but they are on the weakest of the 3 plants and the only plant outside the Greenhouse. The other two are not showing any as yet, but plenty of flowering so fingers crossed. One must also bear in mind that for the past 3 years I have tried in vain to grow tomatoes but to no avail, so things are looking good. Maybe it is the change of location, the last garden was full of Japanese Knotweed, and blight seemed to hit quite regularly.
So far so good and am quite chuffed really.

Wednesday 1 June 2011

Home Made Pasta

Just made my first attempt at pasta. The hardest bit was working out how to dry the stuff out.

Improvisation came into play.

The result...

Impressed even myself, not bad for 5 Oz of flour, 1 egg, a drop of water and some patience. Tasted lovely, even Grace finished her plate. Cannot wait to try it out on Karen. I have even saved some for dry storage, but that takes 3 more hours of drying apparently. That is if I can stop myself from eating it first that is.

Red Sky in the Morning Shepherds Warning?

On waking this morning I felt great. Karen had been shopping at the weekend and bought new orthopedic pillows to replace the tired old things that we had. Who would have thought that they would have made that much of a difference. A really good nights sleep was needed and boy did I get a good night.

Orthopedic Pillows – Memory Foam

The newer orthopedic pillows are made with memory foam, which takes the form of the body that lies on it, so it adjusts to the body shape, size, and position. You will mostly find rectangular orthopedic pillows although they can be found in wedge and contoured shapes.

Now when I got up they Sky was a beautiful red sky, a lovely photo should have been taken but I did not even think to pick up the camera as was too busy admiring the view. It does not matter what the old proverb says about red sky in the morning as today it was just beautiful and much appreciated.

Saturday 28 May 2011

Dates messed up

Karen has gone into Plymouth shopping with the girls today. As I am working tonight and I had an appointment at Sheryll Murray MP's surgery at 1230 I stayed behind.
Wrong, I got the date wrong and missed my appointment by a week. Apologies have been sent but I still feel like an idiot waiting around outside the town hall for a surgery that was last week.

On a brighter note, took some gorgeous photos of the girls on Thursday, which I must say am quite proud of.

What can I say but did you ever see such sweet little girls.

Thursday 26 May 2011

BBC News - Parachute Regiment soldiers face 'special payment' cut

On the 16th of this month David Cameron Prime Minister said
The military would get the recognition it deserves
, refers.

and then today this...

BBC News - Parachute Regiment soldiers face 'special payment' cut

It says a lot about politicians and their so called word no matter what colour flag they are flying Blue, Red, or Orange.


BBC Weather | PL18

BBC Weather | PL18

Light is bloody awful out there. Girls staying in today methinks

Wednesday 25 May 2011

Non Followers of my Blog

There have been currently 113 views of my Blog, 38 posts and absolutely no comments (apart from my own), and no followers. Am I doing it all wrong or is it just early days. To be fair I actually enjoy blogging and will carry on regardless.

Hot off the press

I have just had confirmation that an article I submitted to the local free paper is as we speak being printed. It was about the street party we held for the Royal Wedding. I am chuffed to bits, this is the first time I have had anything in print. Not bad for a first attempt.

On the way to the Town Hall today we stopped at the park. The Girls loved it even though it turned in to Kite weather. Blustery it may have been but the looks on the girls faces says it all.



Wade Bates - News-Talk 1450 KFIZ: Pool Punishment

Wade Bates - News-Talk 1450 KFIZ: Pool Punishment

Don't you just love Yanks1

Planes, Diggers and Trucks

It seems a bit silly but getting woken up at half six this morning not by crying children but heavy duty vehicles is not funny. Notably when they park up then do not move again for a couple of hours. Maybe they are worried about actually waking local residents again.

On a lighter note ash clouds from Grimsvotn volcano in Iceland have been causing disruption in British and European airspace again. It seems that the authourities have again cancelled flights to and from Scottish airports, which means my Mum and Dad are becoming twitchy about thier holiday to the USA in nine days. I am sure that they will fly out on schedule, but it has been great fun winding Dad up about it.
According to the Daily Telegraph though Ryan Air flew a passenger jet through the cloud and has proclaimed it perfectly save to fly. But it must be remembered where that airline is based and owned. Say no more..


Tuesday 24 May 2011


I think that it has been decided by the powers that be, or even somebody up above, that I am due to not sleep on a Tuesday. After having to go in early then working all night and finishing late, I finally got home at 0630 this morning.
Lauren had kindly volunteered to take the girls to Sarah the childminder at 0800. So gratefully put my head on my pillow at about 20 to 8. One phone call later, from my boss, whom I stood in for last night, and sleep was on for about a quarter to nine. When at half nine the noisy bugger in the truck pulled up and that was it. Trucks coming at going all morning. I gave up at half ten got up, did some dhobi, some shopping, and got tea prepped for when Karen gets home from work. Before I picked up the girls.
I think next week I will just bite the bullet and stay up.

Saturday 21 May 2011


Do not know why but when I woke up this morning I decided to go for a run. I cannot remember the last time I did this, must be years ago. Anyone who remembers me in the forces knows that PT was something I avoided like the plague.
So I went downstairs grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and went straight out before I changed my mind. All Karen heard was the front door shutting behind me.
Mistake number one at the bottom of the road I turned right. Skitta Hill, it is a bugger of a hill and seems to go on for ever.

Skitta Hill it still does not show the gradient but its like 45 degrees

But one thing I found was that all the cobwebs seemed to blow away and after two miles or so I got home again. It was not a marathon by any means but I enjoyed it. The Olympics will not be graced with my presence by a long chalk, but it felt good.

On getting home out of breath and sweating like a race horse, all I got was the micky ripped out of me by Karen, once she had got over the initial shock that is.
At least my two Girls did not laugh at me probably because they cannot talk properly yet that is.

Friday 20 May 2011

Quiet Nights

Last night was quailty. No teenagers in the house, Grace and Phoebe in bed at normal time, incidently have hit on a good meal for the girls. Corn beef hash - Grace had 4 helpings plus ice-cream. Am pretty sure I had not starved her earlier, but it was a joy to see her obviously enjoying it.

Anyway back to the point, a hot bath was ran ready for when Karen got in from work, we put the girls to bed, Karen jumped in the bath whilst I went and picked up a chinese for our tea.

Television off. Music on. Good Food. Beer in the fridge. Most important, time to ourselves for a whole evening, to talk and generally chill out together. It seems an age since we last took time out for ourselves. It was bliss. All I can say is thankyou to Karen for a beautiful evening, and am looking forward to the next one.

Thursday 19 May 2011

YouTube - "Glorious" NEW SONG The Pierces Live NYC 2011

YouTube - "Glorious" NEW SONG The Pierces Live NYC 2011

Currently being played by Chris Evans every morning on BBC Radio 2. Really Good am looking forward to hearing more from these girls.


Seemed to spend half the night awake, thinking about trivial things, but got up feeling really good. I must have sorted something out in my head, but what?

Pretty normal Thursday, Girls up fed and watered. Ritual crying from Grace when I brushed her hair. Paid the Bills popped to the Post Office, and stopped at my usual for a cuppa - The Lunchbox.

I would have put a link in but Rose the owner has not a website yet. It is a small cafe, friendly and found quite by chance tucked away down Biscombe Lane. I was at my wits end as I still had not worked out how to put Graces' hair up in a ponytail and she looked like she had been dragged through a bush backwards. Rose did it for me and I have been a regular ever since.

It should be noted that I have since worked out the method of putting Graces' hair up, but if she ever wants pigtails or a plait of the French or any other variety, then I shall pass her to Mummy or Big Sis.

Wednesday 18 May 2011


Grace and I just made a cake. None of that recipe rubbish just keep adding the stuff till it looks right. Which is great fun having Grace crack the eggs and pour the flour, but pouring the sugar, well all she wanted to do was lick the sugar. Bunged the cake in the oven and wait for a bit. Time for the ritual of licking the spoon and bowl, well it saves on the washing up!

One hour later, I forgot about it you see, and hey presto one sponge cake. A little sunken in the centre but what the hell. It looks good upside down. How it was not burnt I do not know but there you go, and of course the kitchen smells of home baking one of the best smells of all time, no matter what.

Tuesday 17 May 2011

Phoebe's baby walker has arrived. Having erected it (complete with a running commentry from Lauren on how to do it without instructions), I went to pick up the girls from the childminder.
Phoebe in the walker and absolutely loving it. She is lucky that we do not live in Canada. Canadians I admit must have some good sense, firstly by staying loyal to the Crown and not rebelling like their American nieghbours. But they seem to have lost a little bit of common sense by banning baby walkers. It must I assume be the influence of living next door to commoners!

In Canada, the sale of baby walkers was banned on April 7, 2004.Canada is the first country in the world to ban the sale, importation and advertisement of baby walkers. This ban extends to modified and second hand baby walkers, including those sold at a yard sale or flea markets.[9] The consumers product Safety Improvement Act of 2008 (CPSIA) changed the items that were allowed to be sold at such sales.Owners of baby walkers may be fined up to $100,000 or sentenced to up to six months in jail.

Simple solution to the above. Either do not have children or move back to the mother country, where we still have a little common sense, after selling most of it to Brussels that is..

BBC iPlayer - Black Sheep

BBC iPlayer - Black Sheep
A quality film, one of those movies that are so bad that they are must see. The first time Karen and I watched this we cried with laughter. Be warned though if you have a fetish about sheep it may take a while to get the images out of your head.

Early Bird

Was woken after 2 hours sleep by a dirty great digger on the back of a transporter outside my front door this morning. This one can understand working nights. I popped my head out to ask how long that they would be, as it looked like they were unloading the digger. About half and hour the bloke says. I grab a cuppa and think ok fair one back to bed after this. Can you imagine my surprise when after an hour, they had unloaded the digger, engine on transporter going all the while, driven the digger to the front of the transporter, reversed back again, reloaded it on the transporter then drove off with the bloody thing on the back. In the words of Victor Meldrew, "I DON'T BELIEVE IT".
Not a happy bunny. Just to top it off cannot get back to sleep now even though the bags under my eyes are resting on my kneecaps.

Friday 13 May 2011


Operation was a success, by the time I got home Karen was more tired than I from looking after the Girls. One thing I would recommend private health care any time, if one has the insurance that is. Thank God for the cover through work.
Lauren is at her May Ball (prom) tonight, what a palaver, Weds nails, Thurs pick up dress, Tiarra and fake tan. Fri hair, make-up get dressed, photo shoot and wait for taxi. All in all though Karen is one proud as punch mum and Lauren looks beautiful.

Thursday 12 May 2011

Good start to the day

Got up early as no food allowed after 0600, to get some breakfast, and pay the bills online. All ok so far until the last one, where they will not let me pay on line but have to either pay at the Post Office at a cost of 80p, Barclays Bank at a cost of £1.80 or over the phone at a cost of 1.5% and the cost of the phonecall (premium rate call). All for the privilege of paying the bastards. An email has been sent stating that I will pay the money owed for this week but refuse to pay the extra cost involved as they have taken the online option away from me, and asked them to reinstall that option as I refuse to be fined for their incompentance.

Best news of the day though Grace is fully recovered and full of the joys of spring. HAPPY DAYS, Nuffield Hospital here I come.

Wednesday 11 May 2011

11th May

I was a little worried last night. Grace out of sorts, she had a bit of a temperature, and was not herself at all. Calpol seemed to sort her out, but am going to keep a closer eye on her today.
Karen's place has work going on a Tues and Weds. I have been offered it but had to turn it down as nights on Monday would mean working solid from 1800 Mon til 1730 Tues. A bit much me thinks.
We do know a neighbour who was recently laid off, so he may be interested and apparently it will turn in to a full time job eventually.
Taking Lolly to get waxed today ready for her Ball on Friday, the rest of the girly stuff is tomorrow, tan, hair, pick up gown etc. Luckily tomorrow I cannot help with any of that as I will be in hospital for a minor op. But I will see the finished article on Friday when she goes to the Ball. Be prepared for photos!!!

Tuesday 10 May 2011

Finally dragged into the 21st Century

Finally got some sleep this morning, I got my second wind about midnight and was fine until my head hit the pillow this morning. Thanks for the Email Jan. You know what I mean.
I went and got a Blackberry phone yesterday, whilst waiting to pick up the girls. Still am trying to get used to it but I think I have most of it sorted now, its like white mans magic really.
Curry for tea tonight to celebrate, Lauren has been chief taster, so I know that I have not made it too hot, so should not get any complaints off anyone. Problem was she is bound to ask me at some point what when it it, and I shall have to lie as I genuinely forgot what ingredients I put in as I went along. But it tastes great.
Only an hour or so til Karen gets home, cant wait, as I havent seen her properly for more that 10 minutes since Sunday afternoon, which is the bad thing about the shifts we work, but then I am sorted for the rest of the week so good news really.
Sara my childminder is having an OFSTED visit next week and is busy preparing for it. I wonder if she will find it funny if I dress the girls in straight jackets for it and put in the notes that I have done it on her request? On second thoughts, just wind them up and let them go could be just as good.

Monday 9 May 2011

Sleep Please

Two nights down, one to go. Have dropped Grace and Phoebe off at the childminders and was looking forward to some well earned kip, but have had to stay up and make a GP appointment for my teenage Stepdaughter. Now I am taking her to the quack just before midday, so only about 2 hrs kip for me. Lucky for her I love her, else I could have pulled the wicked stepfather card, but I just cant do that, because a)I am not the wicked stepfather type b)She is a good kid all said and done, and c) Karen would kill me in about 101 different ways if I did pull that card.

Off to bed for me well sofa as if I get in bed I definately will not emerge in time. I think lots of cups of tea tonight just to stay awake ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

Saturday 7 May 2011

Votes and Rhubarb

Just been down to the post box with Grace to re-post my electoral registration (again), when Grace noticed the local allotments and with much pointing and saying flower flower, we decided to have a look around.
I was enjoying my self pointing out all the different fruit and veg, flowers etc Grace was loving it.
At this point a gentleman who was working his plot said hello. He was as old as the ground he was digging, the kind of man if you ever start on an allotment to talk to straight off full of advice and know how, never follow the instructions on a packet of seeds, just talk to the oldest gardener you can find. We walked away some 15 minutes later with some sound advice on my strawberry plant, an arm full of Rhubarb and the other arm full of a very shy Grace. Am looking forward to Rhubarb Crumble and cream for desert tomorrow mmmm


AV Referendum results map - Telegraph

AV Referendum results map - Telegraph

I have to admit although I did not get chance to vote, due to circumstances mentioned previously, the result a resounding NO to the AV system is a relief. Here sits one happy voter who could not vote this time around. Happy days. No need to go into the ins and outs of AV vs first past the post system as now there is no need, it ain't broke so don't fix it. The Liberal Democrats and Minority Parties will just have to work harder to beat the main two. Who as we all know are not perfect by a long chalk but if you want to beat them become better organised, start small and work up. It may take a few decades, but thats democracy.

Thursday 5 May 2011

YouTube - Prisoner Lynne Hamilton On The Inside (Full Version)

YouTube - Prisoner Lynne Hamilton On The Inside (Full Version)

How old does this make you feel?

The Official REBEL SON Band Website / Lee Johnson - Tom Warwick - Dave Schneider

The Official REBEL SON Band Website / Lee Johnson - Tom Warwick - Dave Schneider

YouTube - Mr. Confederate Man - Rebel Son (with lyrics)

YouTube - Mr. Confederate Man - Rebel Son (with lyrics)quality song

Rossendale bullies

Rossendale bullies I really do not like these thugs



Water companies named and shamed | Money |

Water companies named and shamed | Money | enough said

BBC - Radio 2

BBC - Radio 2 listen to Jeremy Vine IDEAL

Good weekend-Bad week

The Royal Wedding hailed a double bank holiday, happy days. A street party was held to celebrate the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton.BBQ, Bouncy Castle, Bunting, Union Flags, and alcoholic beveriges. A good time by all.

All the residents of the estate turned up and thanks to Tracy for organising it all.

Monday brought yet another Bank Holiday, and double bubble for me happy days.
It all seemed to be going so well, Rossendales decided to be nasty again but after phoning the council and getting no joy so calling my local MPS Office, They got the dogs called off. Today was the BUGGER though!

SouthWest Water has been an absoulute ARSE.

Within the space of a week they doubled my bill, the automated payment system told me it could not accept my payment, basically error after error. After talking to the call centre manager was told I could pay next week as the bill had increased, so I paid another bill only to find when I went to the bank to withdraw some money that they had taken the money so had no money for shopping.This is not a happy bunny rabbit and my teddy bear is about to be torn limb from limb and thrown out of the cot into all four corners of the room!After many apologies they promised to have the money back in my bank account by tomorrow. What are the odds that the money is not there and another £70 has been taken out and I am left even more out of pocket. A strongly worded complaint has been sent to the people who so graciously supply me with fresh water and then have the privalige of charging me the earth for it, but I doubt that anything will be done.

Hey Ho, it can only get better I suppose, Oh yeah Osama Bin Laden finally met up with his mucker Saddam, I hope they enjoy the virgins????

Nearly completely forgot, went to the polling station today, a little worried as my polling card still has not turned up even though I registered at my current address when we moved in. In December. Only to find that I was not registered to vote here but am registered at my old address and to vote would have to go to my old polling station. Well theres democracy for you, you register and still they mess it up. I suppose the red tape people will blame myself and Karen for it and take no responsability for us slipping through the net. It is hard enough getting people to vote as it is without turning people away from the polling stations due to the electoral offices mistakes.. But I urge everyone to vote if they are able.

Thursday 21 April 2011

Funny Old Week

I have not blogged for a week.Busy busy busy. At the end of last week I found out that my shift had changed at work, but was on Holiday last weekend, so it would not affect me until the following week. As it is the shifts all changed back again so no change for me whatsoever.
In the week off work though got loads done. Took the girls to the donkey park and have decided that Grace only likes live animals from a distance. What I was most disappointed with was the fact that no more donkey rides are happening as the donkeys are too old. But the weather was glorious so happy days.

The rest of the week has mainly involved erecting a greenhouse. This had to be dismantled carried 1/4 of a mile and re-built. It took a total of four days and at the end of it was only missing two panes of glass. For £45 bargin.Toms and Cucumbers galore this year. For the remaining part of the week more sunshine apparently the hottest April on record so time to enjoy with the girls and Karen who should finish work today early fingers crossed. Lets get the Sun cream out...

Thursday 7 April 2011

Grumbles and Joys

Grumbles-bills, bills, bills. Work seems to have taken a turn for the worse with all shifts being cut back to save money over the next 12 weeks. My shift does not offically informed of this until Saturday, but these things have a way over being relayed like the proverbial jungle drums. My own shift is going to be luckier than most still losing money but losing the least amount. Small compensation. I have even looked into joining a Trade Union, a thing which I would normally be dead set against after watching my father during the 70s forced to join a union, and the tales he would tell of work to rule, and spending half of his night shift playing draughts over the production line. Will have to wait and see on that issue.
Good news though, my Royal British Legion membership ()card finally turned up, I managed to get Grace's fringe cut today for the grand price of no charge sir, with the money saved from that I bought Karen the Bass Broom she was moaning about last night, Happy Days.
Managed to get up the allotment last night planted broad beans, surprised that the onions actually seem to be growing which would be the first time in three seasons. Strawberry, melons, jalapeno peppers and salad peppers are all sown and either in the green house or on various windowsills, much to Karen's disapproval. Just got to think about sowing the cabbage and runners next but got plenty of time for that, really need to finish off digging the beds out.
All in all an average day.

Monday 4 April 2011

Proud as Punch

I took my girls to the childminder for the first time today. We really do not want to but needs must. I admit to being a little nervous (understatement), but all was well.
After finishing work at 6 a.m. I had to get home wake the girls, feed them, clean them, clothe them and get back out of the door in time to get to the childminder. Got all done in plenty of time and was halfway down the road when I promptly turned around and returned to pick up the mass of paperwork given to us by Sarah the childminder.
Panic over we all arrived at Sarah's with 20 minutes to spare, so walked around Tesco's carpark and knocked on the door at precisely 10 to the hour. After handing over my precious charges to Sarah and passing on as much irrelevant information as I could Sarah told me to just go stop worrying and get some sleep.
Of course sleep did not come easy. As I lay in bed desperately going over in my mind that I had not forgotten anything, nappies, milk, dummies, all the relevant info about Grace and Phoebe. Eventually I fell asleep waking not at all refreshed thinking Got to pick the girls up must not be late, PANIC STATIONS. When I get to Sarah's all was well, Grace and Phoebe had been little Angels as one would expect, eaten heartily, no tantrums and Sarah was heaping praise upon them. We walked home and I was on top of the world, my Girls had done Karen and I proud. Mind you I still regret having to hand them over to Sarah again tomorrow morning, but suppose that I will have to get used to it.

Saturday 2 April 2011

Fat and full

Big six course meal last night.Still stuffed this morning, and feel like a large gorilla has defecated in my mouth, but that is probably down to the glass of wine with each course. Who would have thought that wine could be so different with different types of food but there you go. I would recommend in place of Port with your cheese just try a drop of Plum Sake, lovely.
Problem was had to get up and assemble a table and chairs which had just been delivered from Mr Argos, with my head feeling like it was I thought it would be a long morning, but all went well and not one swear word was issued. Was a little confused as to why the instructions insisted that it was a two man job, until I realised that Karen was quite handy in passing me nuts bolts etc and the odd cuppa rosie lee.
It should be remembered that it was today in 1982, that the Falklands were invaded by Argentina.A moment to reflect that men on both sides died fighting, WE SHALL REMEMBER THEM.

Friday 1 April 2011

Langmans Restaurant

Dinner tonight at Langmans Restaurant. First time Karen and I have been out as a couple in ages. It may be pricey but from what I remember from the last time we went some Four years ago it is well worth it. It must be noted that the prices have not gone up in that time either, so that is a result.

starting out: starting out

starting out: starting out: "This is my first blog. I am generally turning into a grumpy old man, any rights I thought I had as an Englishman seem to be being slowly ero..."

starting out: April Fools Day

starting out: April Fools Day: "Today we arranged for a child minder to look after our two girls for two days a week. £98 a week this shall cost, BUGGER ME! I thought it wa..."

April Fools Day

Today we arranged for a child minder to look after our two girls for two days a week. £98 a week this shall cost, BUGGER ME! I thought it was an April fools joke but no, half of Karens wages will go on this just so that we can afford to live. It hardly seems worth returning to work does it, and the Govt wonders why people do not want to go to work. But will have to pay it as apparently we are only allowed to use an OFSTED approved childminder. Although what OFSTED has to do with children under the age of two is beyond me as last time I checked children were not required to start formal education until the age of 5. If OFSTED have to poke their noses in then surely if should be free as education in England is supposed to be free, and I am pretty sure that I am not sending my girls to a childminder to be educated. As literacy and numeracy in this country's schools seems to be at an all time low then surely OFSTED would be better off concentrating on what we pay our taxes for EDUCATION, not childminding

Thursday 31 March 2011

starting out

This is my first blog. I am generally turning into a grumpy old man, any rights I thought I had as an Englishman seem to be being slowly eroded by HM govt and the EU. Well it is a starting point, time will tell if I have turned into a whinging bugger or am entirely right in my view.